Sunday, August 4, 2013

Bread and Butter Pickles

I suppose it could be difficult to start the process of working my way through this recipe box.  Where to begin?  Several choices exist: 1)Start at the beginning and complete each recipe as it is filed, 2)Start with what my favorites might be (I mean, let’s be honest…I could completely skip over anything with mincemeat), or 3)Be in real need of making a particular dish.  

Out of necessity, I opted for #3.

My family participates in a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture).  We live in a suburb that isn’t conducive to having a garden (although the deer population would beg to differ), and I frankly don’t have time to devote to anything beyond my flower beds.  So, each year we pay to be "members" of a local organic farm, and receive a weekly box of fresh, seasonal produce that was harvested the day before.  Which brings me to my need…

I had an abundance of cucumbers!

This recipe card was so well used, that you can barely make out the title.  It must have been a favorite because the paper is stained and soft around the edges – like it had been pulled out of the box many times.

Bread and Butter Pickles
Slice cucumbers, let stand in salt water one hour.  Rinse and drain.  Add slices onions to taste.
Boil together for 10 minutes – 3 cups vinegar, 2 cups sugar, one cup water, 1 tsp celery seed (important).
Seal while boiling hot.
Vera McLean

Eva’s variation:
I pickled a few turnips, which were also in abundance this week.   
Obviously I need to let the pickles “age,” but the flavor was great and the recipe was super easy.  I may add a dash of salt next time, or perhaps not rinse the cucumbers quite so vigorously after their salt bath!

If any family members read this and feel daring enough to respond below - who is Vera McLean?  

1 comment:

  1. By the way - the turnips turned out fabulous. Had a few on a salad.
