Saturday, October 12, 2013

Apple Cake


Autumn arrived several weeks ago, and I have to admit that it’s one of my favorite times of year.  Growing up in the Midwest, I've experienced that fall can get cut short in the Heartland.  (I remember several years of trick-or-treating in the snow, or having to wear my winter coat over my costume...ruining the effect).  But the season in New York tends to last well into October and November.  This weekend was the perfect mix of peak foliage, a warm day, and chilly evening.

Apples are a big event around here.  We live in the heart of "apple country," and have the pleasure of enjoying fresh-picked apples August through October.  This year provided us a bumper crop due to favorable conditions.  We had apples from several sources - apple-picking from a local orchard, and a friend's gift of one bushel from their own crop. Do you know how much a bushel is?  A lot!  I spent the day canning apple butter and spiced apples sticks, and freezing apple slices for use later.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Whole Wheat Bread

It's fall in New York!  I love everything about this time of the year, except for the shorter days.  One of the benefits of autumn are all the fresh fruits and vegetables to take advantage of.  So...with a crisp, wet Saturday afternoon ahead of me, it was the perfect day to spend making something wonderful out of my crop of green tomatoes, and pears we received from a friend's tree.  Since I'm on a canning binge, I opted for green tomato jam, and gingered pear preserves.  Of know what is needed when making homemade jams or jellies...bread!
This recipe is a definite keeper; I wouldn't change a thing.  Rich, dense, sweet.  It was the prefect delivery vehicle for my jam and preserves.  As a matter of fact, our dinner ended up being a sampler of bread, preserves, Grandma's bread and butter pickles, hard-boiled eggs, and slices tomatoes. Why not?

Monday, September 2, 2013

French Cookies

I can't give an exact reason as to why I selected this as my next project.  Perhaps only because I had all of the ingredients on hand.  It certainly wasn’t for the detailed instructions that promise a no-fail baking experience!  It was just a “cookie day” at our house (i.e. a day that required slight elevation above the routine).  What could be more elevated than a cookie from France?

Why are these labeled “French” cookies?  I googled both “French Cookies” and “French Cookies with Coffee,” and found an assortment of brown sugar and butter cookie recipes that popped up.  One required an iron to press the cookie dough into a pizzelle, many others called them “sables.”  However, none included coffee as an ingredient.  As a matter of fact, I couldn’t find any cookie recipes that called for cold coffee.  Most used instant coffee, and one even called for French Roast coffee grounds – hmmm…I think I’ll pass.

Butter and Brown Sugar seem to be the most frequent ingredients listed in French Cookies

I had to guess on the measurements and relied on Betty Crocker for help.    

French Cookies
1 ½ cup Brown Sugar (hard to tell if the recipe card says ½ cup or 1 ½ cup.  I opted for more sugar based off Betty Crocker’s guidance).
¾ cup shortening
2 Eggs
1 cup cold coffee
1 tsp soda
Baking Powder

Friday, August 30, 2013

Baked Chicken Loaf

I have a confession to make on behalf of Grandma.  Her recipe box is filled with lots of options for the sweet tooth, and not as much for the meat and potatoes crowd.  I somehow doubt this is the way they ate every day, but I can distinctly remember growing up with a daily offering of dessert to finish our supper.  My, how things have changed!  (At least at my household).   My family wonders what the event is if they come home to homemade baked goods.
So, this recipe is one of the rare entree selections!  Again, out of necessity, I happened to have leftover chicken that was calling out to me.  As I was baking this, Bryce notified me that his friend was staying for dinner (Midwest translation = "supper").  His friend has a healthy appetite, so I was worried this wouldn’t feed us all – but that’s the beauty of this dish.  It makes a little go a longer way – which is probably one reason it made it in the box!  

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

My Favorite White Cake

My version with fresh-picked blueberries and whipped cream

With a name such as "My Favorite White Cake," who could resist the temptation to give it a try?  White cake to me is very decadent in that it requires a level of fussiness to separate the egg whites from the yolks, and then there is a decision of what to use the yolks for?  (I can't imagine Grandma getting rid of any food, and I'm sure cholesterol wasn't the issue that is it today).  Plus, this recipe calls for cake flour...something I usually skimp on.  So, I see this cake as being special.

This recipe must have seen a lot of use!  Minimal ingredients and no instructions.

My Favorite White Cake
1 1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup butter
1 cup water
3 cups cake flour
2 teas. baking powder with 4 beaten egg whites

Since there weren't any instructions - I gave my best guess based from other recipes, my baking experience, and watching numerous hours of the Food Network!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Bread and Butter Pickles

I suppose it could be difficult to start the process of working my way through this recipe box.  Where to begin?  Several choices exist: 1)Start at the beginning and complete each recipe as it is filed, 2)Start with what my favorites might be (I mean, let’s be honest…I could completely skip over anything with mincemeat), or 3)Be in real need of making a particular dish.  

Out of necessity, I opted for #3.

My family participates in a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture).  We live in a suburb that isn’t conducive to having a garden (although the deer population would beg to differ), and I frankly don’t have time to devote to anything beyond my flower beds.  So, each year we pay to be "members" of a local organic farm, and receive a weekly box of fresh, seasonal produce that was harvested the day before.  Which brings me to my need…

I had an abundance of cucumbers!